This is a graphic short story about one of my favorite monitoring methods: photo-identification!
It's used for many species, including dolphins 🐬 and whales 🐋 and sevengill sharks,
Course Curriculum
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How to use this course
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Learning Objectives
What is Photo-Identification, How is it Use, and Why?
What is Photo-Identification?
Identifying Humpback Whales
Identifying Bottlenose Dolphins
Unique Patterns on Dolphins
Survey Data: Pictures and Other Important Data
Comparing Photos to Identify Individuals
Tracking an Individual Over Time
Population Assessment and Monitoring
Non-invasive Method of Identification and Monitoring
Test your knowledge
Quiz: What is Photo-Identification and Why do we Use It?
Thank You!
A message from The Blue Biologist
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About the instructor

The Blue Biologist
Hélène Mazière